Monday, December 3, 2012 Yuan soldier;Public

 The Yuan still really doubts is be not the Cao holds to also feel Xing Zhang of is a Yuan surname jinx, anyway in addition to these 2 people, the others have never appeared.
However is also good, the Yuan still fights each other although the battle is a half to adjust son and also know if the Cao purely appeared,, that anything but what good matter.Currently, he still cans not figures out to have what way can face to face should to 5,000 steels ambulation fort.
But make people happy BE, it is to cut Yan good Zhang Feng to ignore, still kept put~toing death text ugly Zhang Liao, 2 people hasn't been begging for in the hand met Ji and reviewed to went together with must what go so much.When camisados were all beaten back, but took the offensive face to face each time the Cao soldier was placed in the soldier of absolute bad situation count make Zhang Liao and Zhang Feng Yi come up and wear and want a list and pick for the Rang Rang-however have been already reviewed and gone together with and meet Ji at, they were to absolutely can't make this immature mistake, with what I many time for person did I want with you a list to pick?
100,000 people coax to call to dash up, taking care of you is all Zhang Feng, Zhang Liao or Zhang Fei heel I head don't return as well of run!
The Yuan still believes very optimistically, is about to beat Xu Chang near future.Cao Jun says so terriblely, in fact is trick many, caution a point don't fall into trap, also no big deal.
However review to go together with and meet Ji not to think so.
"Three childes!"
"Call general!"The Yuan is still getting more vexed, said with you how much next in importance call general, be disappear long power of memory.
"3 ……general!Belong to next think that the our army should immediately ask for help from lord Mr., the Cao soldier is just harassment and disappear it main force, necessarily have scheme!"Review to go together with long have a pay to upwards raise of horoscope beard, one concussion of time will raise.
"Belong to under also feel strange ……" meets Ji most specialty of is the Cha Yan view color, not a plan plan, "the general just think, the Cao soldier famous general is like cloud, why in addition to Zhang Feng and petty burglar of Zhang Liao Liang, do the others all disappear?There is still that tiger leopard riding, with the clever strategy that the Cao holds, breaking can't not know that it will give the our army result in huge dead and injured.Its feeling contains difference and also hope general detailed check!"
"Wu, this speech also has several cents the truth." The Yuan still affects a show of touching and touching chin top not exuberant beard, the winning of these several days fruit really has some to make him can not find a direction in cloud inside fog.
"The originally handsome hand-written is a , this life the person ask for help from father."
Want well, how should write officer Du.It were very bad for these two days, really didn't feel.Officer Du writes differ, really not hand over to treat.It is sorry to excuse me.

Section 212 officer Du(3)

It is alas, originally could spread yesterday.Beat to beat asleep, result together come of time forgot don't keep, directly shut down ……
Is careful so long discover that officer Du still keeps writing meticulously ……
Hear Yuan still at leaves officer Du the Zhai in not far place, wait own reinforcement, the Yuan Shao makes a firm decision.Putting together is a .
For this look for a Cao soldier the main force decisive battle of decision, Yuan Shao and Guo, review be not don't know that this is that one is several near the absurd decision.
In times gone by of the war is not under the circumstance with no in the minority either to look for the other party main force with one action but the precedent of change situation.But to oneself this time so, although there is advantage on the troops,have no steady dozen steady firm occupancy marching forward the town of route, but the heart interior region that directly closes in the other party, make the situation that the other party has to decisive battle with oneself, absolutely is an on the gamble.
BE not a Yuan Shao either not to want to beat the town of along the road, but because these town too difficult dozen.Don't talk common of offend a city war will the death and harm in great quantities offend city square soldier, more and more appear in the bed Nu of Cao soldier city defense to make the soldier of the Yuan most brave soldier the originator of a loan association also don't already is painful, also have those defend city strong pair of arrows Shi of food for powder body be into a fairy palm of the stings Be similar to take no cognizance.
And Yuan Shao the hand ascend for 400,000 people, it is the Huang soldier for appearing and disappearing mysteriously to otherly still need to defend green state, however is worthy of rejoicing is this completely not afraid dead, very difficult tie up of opponent to offend a city war is also have no too many good methods, once carefully taking precautions against some scheme meanses that they make, according to city last-ditch, basically being not afraid of them can fly into city.In fact this shrinks at first come to be the method of tortoise very effectively, green,Beats By Dre Holiday Gift, hope there being incredibly no a town falling on frontier.
And currently a series of results in battle, Yuan Shao very the Q didn't want why Cao soldier totally also lost 1,000 people not to arrive ……
And the circumstance also disallow Yuan Shao to put together old this next 12 town key figure to slowly digest, keep win a fruit.The doing not talk Yan is good, the text Be ugly to twice and greatly aggrievedly defeat and make the Yuan Shao discover the city defense of Cao soldier very difficult dozen, even if beat down, also change not the at root enemy is strong I weak situation.
The Cao holds to sit to hug four states currently, compare the ratio Yuan governed the Shao is big;The Cao holds and Zhang Jia, Mi house and Zhen's house Be allied to begin, buy this Emperor title of old Liu Jia down is not not either to go, only Liu Xie affirmative don't sell;Compare a war capability, the factor of a little bit a series of intravenous drop drop brought by Zhang Feng, bilateral stirrup, heavy Kui, bed Nu, train soldier and reward military merit of method etc., make Cao soldier list soldier the character and whole cooperation ability is all stronger than Yuan soldier;Public front and back problem naturally, Yuan Shao brush-off greet Liu help of the matter be held ballyhoo by the Cao, drive settle become eyes have no the typical model of Emperor, be taken into as reverse side teaching material to attack, but when the Yuan Shao shows unintentionally to want to seize emperor and Be paid to a military operation, and then be held by the Cao to say into the heart has anti- idea heart to keep in mind unfathomable, the in short inside outside isn't a person.
In this case, make a day of it each time, Cao's holding is spaced out for a day with the real strenght of the Yuan Shao, unless old Cao and Zhang Feng those persons who make people have a headache are suddenly infected the prostitute dead dropped ……however currently in addition to hear the old Cao and Guo Jia has a fondness for that this kind of plays a girl indiscriminately, although Zhang Feng that boy also go to brothel,Zhang Feng that boy doesn't do that matter and just drinks.
Might it not be is it the wife of home that have already squeezed him dry?Can not know.
There is also a little very important reason, the Yuan Shao very obviously feels that oneself's body was greatly not equal to to is ex-, after all old, not elephant some persons, hear at outside still jumped a claim the somebody else's aunt forces other people turn over facial of embarrassment.
Oneself likes Yuan very much that this son prepares to spread to be located in him still, but if didn't have the road spread now, in the future he which is a Cao to hold, the opponent of Zhang Feng et al?
Therefore the no time for waiting of Yuan Shao wants to hold the Ke of dying with Cao.
"Lord Mr., three childes have already led a person to leave Zhai ten inside to greet."Meet Ji to come to report letter in person, extrude an elephant on the face of slave kind be thrown on the ground be trampled the morning glory of one feet again.
"The certain Cao holds to wait a person just across the street?"The Yuan Shao worries this now, if the being just one of detection opposite isn't well-known of three four, cat dog, that really apoplexy.
"Is absolutely true!"Meet in addition to clapping a horse, Ji isn't devoid of any merit either, only clap the horse even wants to excel than the another skill some just.
Yuan Shao this just calms mind and follows to meet Ji to arrive at a Yuan still big camp all the way, make him feeling delighted BE, the face of food for powder ascends the facial expression of having no disaffection, panic not certain.
The Yuan Shao really knows that this decisive battle contains much difficult dozen, two famous generals in Hebei all perish one by one, material fall behind a Cao soldier a don't say, and the battlefield is in the other party interior region-certainly allow Chang city in will also in confusion just, those peacetime will fix somebody, Yin person, three big ministers running into this kind of matter is absolutely two eyes a grope in the dark,monster beats by dre christmas gift discount online.
So these military idiocy would a secretly send for oneself to decline a book ……
But the food for powder has no how much person have thus of awakening, in their in the mind, lord Mr. leads the army personally and plus a number currently still the triple of the other party is above, this makes them feel very dependably, very rest assured.
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