Sunday, January 20, 2013

Facebook he old influence bre

:"Not, son Tai, battlefield sweeps, is negotiated with Bao letter by you here, the our army slightly more rests whole,Facebook, immediately cross a Lu country to the south, get into Chu's country.The dollar keeps(Xu Shu), you notify the pottery Qian is a , the our army has already lost war Yuan to loose, and the relief troops will soon get into Chu's country, and the Yuan Shu connects a war."
"Connect cloud harbor?", The farm land briefly asks.
"To", Liu fully answers:"Our army the winter garrison to connect cloud harbor and orderany rear to quickly build port now, all strategic supplieses all the carrying go to connect cloud harbor, after the supplies carrying in this winter, next year, connect cloud harbor can formally use.The next year begins a new year, the our army connects cloud harbor to consign after withdrawing public, the goods of green state can go down south.Tell green state company Gu, now winter, work well next year preparation of extending the production."
The farm land contemplates to say:"The Yuan highway(Yuan Shu) is little to be smelt with chivalry, plain and various childe flying eagle the henchman is a well-known my big fellow chivalrous man, resides behind general, rank at Yuan Shao on, the under charge great commander swarms about, mighty army 150,000, lord male make frontal attack Yuan Shu by this troops ……whether demand again add some soldier?"
Liu Bei is cool a smile:"Yuan highway, dry bones in Zhong just, I treat it as insignificant trifle.The person canning fight in hand in the highway, however Sun Jian just, Sun Jian faces Dong Zhuo, from will have thousand sort reasons to get around to battle with me.Sun Jian not at, if the Yuan Shu dares to fight, treats me to take its cut-off head but returns.Take one dry bones cut-off head, these troops foot Yi."
Liu fully crosses the border(county in Mount Taishan belongs to Yan state) to make frontal attack Yuan to loose and put clear and the noncooperation attitude of Yuan Shao, smoothly cut to kill after Yuan loose, Liu Bei flicks a soldier into Chu's country again and makes frontal attack Yuan Shu.The Yuan looses 50,000 battalions on the first inside sprinkle snow sort to reply to put out such as the soup, this news is under the intentionally spreading of the farm land and quickly get about a whole country and spread to Luo sun.
The various Hou receives this news, in an interesting condition is sad, pleased is Liu to fully lead a soldier to far go, the green state is empty;Sad is sympathy for one of its kind, Liu Xuan De obviously doesn't welcome them to go to and then eat, even, did so big reaction with butcher knife mutually to.Soon after, reaction of various Hou left to fear-the news spread, the Yuan Shao urgently and urgently leads soldier to hope that the state steps back.
As for Yuan Shao why to hope that the state steps back, once find out, the truth is revealed:Horizontal river all the Wei Lu Su Lu son respectfully take over joy to enter and became the armed forces regiment army corps long, become green state five one of the tigers(five battalion chief)s from here and also.Enjoying into to then lead Zhang Liao Zhang's text is far, uncle Chen Dao Chen to getting into Liao west, become a new the military with tallest cloud superior-'s cloud mostly Du.
Thus, general Gao of that"each attack, all break" follow of direction, abundantly clear.Thoughting of declares that the world thunder of first crack troop ride to quietly incubate in the green state and prepares to choose a person and bites, also no wonder that the Yuan Shao urgently and urgently lead a soldier to get around.The various Hou smells the distance that the Xun mutually attend to disgrace behind, compare to measure oneself to leave green state and adjust soldier to get around in succession-at first is ratio who left green state near, now is ratio who left green state far.Liu Bei is that bedlamite, since dare to cross the border to attackstone Yuan to loose, who know that his subordinate will can't cross the border to attackstone other people.
Momentary, Central plains all various Hous stand to the green state into of the speed consumedly lower and even appeared to fall back a phenomenon.
Gao doesn't hestitate an underground to make after fluently receiving war bulletin:"Don't stop, the whole army continues to benefit the south county ambulation."
Gao Lan's doubt didn't solve and asked:"Enemy's soldier since fears not ex-, why does the our army still need to continue to go forward?The winter will go to and embroil in case of the warfare don't interest, do we don't pass the winter in the army camp."
Gao Shun Ao however answer:"Lord Mr. just fight one battle in Mount Taishan, the county inevitable nobody in Mount Taishan dared to enter.What then, the person's avidity can not suppress, don't give various Hou ruthlessly teach, they by all means also look for the method of getting into the green state.Thus, green state northwest, benefit south the county still owe one battle, make us make up deficiencies he."
Along with the high agreeable order, black dress black A black horse, the complexion ferocious thunder rides to flow out as the tidewater, billowing iron flows on the dried up the earth of the end in autumn and curls up very thick smoke and dust, several the insides outside can see the war dust of that straight up cloudy regions-gain considerable fame the thunder of world to ride to kill go into benefit south.
Thunder after riding into help south slightly on pondering, see the various Hou fear not ex-, immediately flick a soldier to go up north, cross Ta fertile get into a plain of county, the soldier Feng keeps a Yuan Shao.
"Respectful Zu, I asked for a big disaster" Xu Zhou Chu's country, Liu have and once the pottery Qian meet, Liu Bei sadly says:"Various Hou meeting alliance, the original diagram is Dong Zhuo, at present but from I bear various Hou of unanimously oppose.Yuan originally beginning that childe's elder brother unexpectedly take me to have operation and forgot me fore the line courageously fights for him of the achievement is really puzzling."
The pottery Qian is happy ha ha ground answer:"Is similar, the Yuan highway beats into the signal of green state, how know not for getting into my Xu Zhou, green at present slowly integral whole, we at the right moment total anti- foreign enemy."
Liu Bei respectully hangs to ask a way:"The respectful Zu is male, this situation or can solve?"
The pottery Qian has ready plans to meet a situation a ground of answer:"Can solve?"
"How can solve?"
"Yuan originally what beginning relies on, however is a various Hou meeting alliance, he becomes leader of alliance.The other people can recommend leader of alliance, we can not recommend leader of alliance?If we also recommend a leader of alliance, don't match another on the threatening force.The Yuan is originally early.Can not add it to the Wei of leader of alliance in our body any further."
"Respectful Zu male heart in can have a candidate?"
"Front right medium Lang will, the Wei in the Qian Tang Hou(county Hou,cnn, the tallest Class of marquis), city gate school and Yin(the department belongs to a region, the county district magistrate is called "Yin") Zhu 儁 of Henan gets around Dong Zhuo's sharp point, at present Tun soldier clever Chuan county in Mou.Zhu 儁 once and Ru teacher Lu Zhi, emperor just Song, Dong Zhuo totally allowed for quell Huang Jin of four medium Lang will, fame and prestige Gao Chu Yuan originally beginning 100% not only, we recommend Zhu 儁 to go a car to ride a general matter, the generation imperial government appointment and dismisses all levels officials, falsely match with Yuan Shao."
Good ah, pottery Qian not the Kui is the adventurer who is old to strive for to deeply calculate.Recommend Zhu 儁 to go a car to ride a general matter, put clear deny Yuan of Shao this car ride general, Zhu 儁 from the father-in-law of pottery Qian, front will Ji district magistrate Xu 珪 Jian raise for the filial piety Lian and head for official career.Pottery Qian this recruits current male heart, there is also selfishness.However, Liu fully needs to avoid becoming world public enemy at the moment and could not considered of to oppose.
"There is male male Wei(Zhu 儁's form word) that appear publicly, this matter is very good.Respectful Mr. Zu holds to do this matter, need what, though lift, my Liu Bei supports with all strength."
Liu fully sends army shot to break the news that the Yuan looses troops, with Liu have of the Gong make Zhao Yu spread to the Luo sun, Dong Zhuo's exultation, pass east the allied troops finally started to be mutual annihilation, crazy tiger Liu's fully defeating his under charge can fight most of Lyu Bu, as long as the green state no longer sends army, the Luo sun stabilized.At this time, southeast three northern Caos of directions hold, Sun Jian, making open of false attack, already shortage for fear to.
For the sake of pacify Liu Bei, Dong Zhuo's adding a Liu to have is east for town general(man the beginning establish of and get the tallest military superior of green state troops of Xu Yu San, Be just an empty title at this time), widely round country Hou.(ratio station Hou the Class is slightly high, is lower than county Hou of marquis class)Combined to generously promise Gong to make Zhao Yu register the request of Royal ancient works.
Pacify after Liu have, Dong Zhuo starts drawing together Sun Jian and send emissary Li 傕 come a claim and kiss and allow a promise chase own daughter supply Sun Ce, let Sun Jian list to serve as the relatives sons of stabbing the history, district magistrate list,google, is taken into by Dong Zhuo to appoint.
Sun Jian faces Li 傕 and sneers at an answer:"Dong Zhuo is negative sky of to have no a way, I don't put~to death its three clan, hang its cut-off head to show a whole country and then refuse to close eyes in death.Dong Ze thinks with me and kisses and hums, you return to tell him, tiger cub how can go together with a dog female."
Li 傕 flees ignominiously but goes to, Sun Jian immediately flicked a soldier too valley city, change false attack for hard offend, the military advance arrived to leave Luo water 90 inside of place, the soldier forces Luo sun.
"Being getting worse is getting worse" Liu fully the news that gets Sun Jian's sends army, secretly complain of hard lot:"Sun Jian sends army Luo sun and enters to arrive Mang mountain, with Dong Zhuo's in the past dynasties emperor emperor's mausoleum before engage, should be a business between next Junes, at present, obviously the history sped a step.If Dong Zhuo perish too quickly, the old influence breaks of ill success, build up new-world resistance must be very big.Is alas, for the sake of maintenance both parties' balance, only weaken an anti-[one] road of allied troops Tung."
"The whole army speeds up, quickly and the Yuan Shu get in touch with", this is 1 to account Related articles:

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